Is Conscience a Safe Guide?
By Mike Johnson
"Always let your conscience be your guide." "Just do what your conscience says." This is the attitude that many people have when trying to determine what is right or wrong religiously. They think that as long as the conscience is followed, on some doctrinal matter or even on a moral issue, they will be correct. Is conscience really a safe guide, or is there some other guide which must be considered?
What do we mean by the conscience? The conscience is known as the internal recognition of right and wrong regarding our actions and motives. It can be described as the part of the mind which either approves or disapproves of one's actions on the basis of the actions being either in or out of harmony with that standard that one has chosen.
It is important to recognize that a conscience not properly "programmed" with the right standard will lead a person astray. For example, a person might not think that it is wrong to lie. Thus, he could tell a lie, and his conscience would not condemn him. He would, of course, sin by telling the lie, but since he had not been taught properly about lying, he could lie with a good conscience.
Paul serves as a good example in this area. Prior to his conversion, he persecuted Christians, and he did this with a good conscience. He thought that he was doing the right thing. Before the Jewish council (much later) he said in Acts 23:1, "…Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day." He always did what his standard told him to do, but before his conversion, his standard was not correct. In Acts 26:9 he said, "I verily thought with myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth." Thus, Paul's actions prior to his becoming a Christian make it clear that a good conscience is not proof that one's actions are right.
Consider that if conscience is to be our guide, then there would be as many guides, or standards, as there are people. A person's conscience, for example may tell him that a certain practice is correct, or it may tell him that he is saved. Another person's conscience may tell him the exact opposite. With this approach, whether something is right and wrong is based only on what each individual perceives it to be.
What is to be our standard? It is to be the Bible---God's Word. Christ has all authority (Mt. 28:18). We must abide in the doctrine of Christ and not go beyond His Word (II Jn. 9, Rev. 22:18-19). It is important that we "program" our conscience with the teaching of God's Word.
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While we may have a good conscience and do wrong as mentioned above, it is impossible to violate our conscience and do right!(Romans 14:5,23) We must be taught truth, know truth, and practice truth to be right(John 8:32; I John 3:7). - p.a.o.


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