Evangelist’s Work: Nine Commands for the Preacher
By David Ray Fanning I

In II Timothy 4:1-5 Paul charges all evangelists (preachers) to abide by the following nine commands:
(1) Preach the word - not opinions, jokes, traditions, etc.;
(2) Be ready at all times regardless of circumstance, appropriateness or convenience;
(3) Convince/convict a Christian or nonChristian of sin whether publicly or privately, Matthew 18:15; Luke 3:19;
(4) Rebuke (literally, to set/assign a value, then censure, correct, redirect; all Christians must rebuke a brother who sins, Luke 17:3. One reason why Christians as a general rule are shocked/do not support the evangelist for privately convincing or rebuking members and unbelievers is because they are not doing it themselves);
(5) Exhort with all longsuffering and teaching/doctrine (exhort literally means to call/summon from close beside/alongside; even exhortations can include rebuking and demands to repent, Luke 3:7-19; all Christians are to encourage/comfort an erring Christian when he repents, II Corinthians 2:7);
(6) Be watchful in all things, I Peter 5:8;
(7) Endure afflictions (literally, suffer evil/hardship);
(8) Do the work of an evangelist (“evangelist” literally means “messenger of good news”; an evangelist’s primary focus is preaching the word and praying and not “deacon”-like work, Acts 6:2-4; an evangelist is not a “Reverend”, Matthew 23:6-10, a hypocrite, Philippians 1:15-18 or a “pastor” - unless he qualifies as one of the pastors/elders of a church, Ephesians 4:11; Philippians 1:1; I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9);
(9) Fulfill your ministry (literally, to carry out fully/accomplish entirely your work of service).
The harvest is truly plentiful, but qualified evangelists are few (Matthew 9:35-38). Churches must not settle for less, but must only train and support true evangelists who practice the nine commands!

- David Fanning preaches for the Petersburg church of Christ in Petersburg, TN and, along with Kevin Pendergrass edit the website Defending the Faith, at David may be contacted at


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